Banner mesh printing starts as cheap as $6.60 per square metre, which really, is considerably cheaper than most advertising methods of this size. Approximately $595 will get you an in-house, custom designed 50m roll of printed banner mesh. In most commercial magazines that will get you a quarter page ad, if your lucky, maybe a few 30 second ads on a quiet radio spot or possibly an ad on a late night community television station and that’s not including the costs for the production and recording of the ads.
In the past, printing things such as company logos and designs onto fabrics were really limited in respects to details and colours. This is no longer the case. Here at FenceWrap, we use a sophisticated digital printing technology which allows us to print absolutely any colour that you need and as much detail as is required. We can print anything from simple company logos to detailed full colour photographs. To keep costs reasonable, we’ve got two different printing options to choose from.
Block printing on your banner mesh is the cheapest option. It involves a simple image on a white background, repeated consecutively as many times as possible on the roll. Generally, most logos can be printed about 13 times. This printing method is very effective and quite popular. It’s the perfect way to get your companies logo and name recognised.
Full banner mesh printing is a little more expensive but is well worth it cosidering the things that are possible. Full printing has absolutely no limits. You can have as much detail, colour and information as you desire. This is perfect for printing photos of products and services and colourful images that really stand out.
Banner mesh printing can be used just about anywhere from temporary fencing at music festivals, fetes, fundraisers, open days and sporting events, to more permanent fencing or walls at factories, car yards and shopping centres to scaffolding and fencing at construction, building, road work and renovation sites.
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