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New PrintMax Banner Mesh Video Overview Launched

New PrintMax Banner Mesh Video Overview Launched

Recently I produced some new videos, and one of them was on our PrintMax banner mesh.

I know how hard it is sometimes to really understand what you're buying over the internet, so hopefully this video is helpful in breaking down that barrier.

Any way, here is the video, along with a transcription below if you can't watch the video for whatever reason.


Here is the transcription

Hey everyone, my name’s Alex from FenceWrap and I’ve just whipped up a little fence panel here in our PrintMax mesh just so I can show you what it looks like when it’s printed as well as show you some of the finer details of the product.

So, our PrintMax actually has the smallest holes of all three of our different meshes, so if you need larger holes in your mesh to let more wind through you’re going to want to look at something like our Classic or our BreezeMax mesh and with those small holes it actually means that our PrintMax has the best print impact of all of our different meshes.

That doesn’t mean it’s got a different print quality, in fact all of our meshes are printed on the same machine so there all the same quality, it’s just that because this has got the smaller holes, more of the ink stays on the surface and so basically it just has more of an impactful print.

A consequence of that obviously is that it ‘s not so much suited to higher wind environments and that’s where we’d recommend something like our BreezeMax or our Classic mesh but if print is your main priority, then this is definitely the product to consider.

As far as how different prints print on it, everything prints great, there's really not much of a difference between this and a 100% PVC but you can see I’ve got a couple of different examples here of a dark background, a light background and a full colour photo.

One thing to consider with the background you choose in your design, is that if you do go for a dark background like this one as compared to a white, it is going to appear to be more transparent than a white background.

What that really comes down to is as the light comes in hits the surface of the mesh, the black inks going to absorb it and reflect not much of it back, whereas the white is going to reflect the majority of that and make the surface appear brighter.

The consequence of that is if you have a bright scene behind as you normally would on a construction site, if this is going up on a fence, it’s gonna just appear more transparent and you can really see that difference here with the white and the black as far as what you can see through it.

This particular panel here is finished in our standard finishing so it’s got hemmed edges top, bottom, left right, we’ve punched eyelets every 50cm and that’s our standard finishing so there's plenty of opportunities to attach it to your fence and keep it safe and secure, otherwise the product is typically supplied in full 50m rolls.

We can cut down those 50m rolls if you like, for example if you want, you know 5x 10m banners or 2x 25m banners or something like that, we can cut those down for you and finish them with eyelets and edging. Otherwise, you can just cut it yourself on site to match each particular site that you’re going on. 

There's not really gonna be much of a difference in terms of the longevity of the product so you still do have plenty of fixing points top and bottom to keep it, keep it on your fence. 

Otherwise, if you have any other questions, feel free to get in touch with us by phone Monday to Friday 8:30 to 5:30, otherwise you can send us an email, submit an enquiry on our website and we’ll get back to you within 24 hours. 

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